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Revitalising Expertise and Commitments, the 11th Consultative Meeting of the Trainers Pool

Revitalising Expertise and Commitments, the 11th Consultative Meeting of the Trainers Pool, which took place in Strasbourg, from 11 December to 14 December 2023. 

Xavier Baró, Ljuba Lissina and Ramon Tena, members of AHEAD, participated in it as members of the training team of the Council of Europe.

The recent consultative meeting aimed to bolster the ongoing efforts in nurturing the Trainers Pool and ensuring its members are up to date in the Council of Europe's endeavors and the educational initiatives of the Youth Department, particularly in the wake of the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe and the Reykjavik Declaration (United around our values).

The key objectives of the meeting were:

  • To review the philosophy, functioning, role and value of the Trainers Pool for the programme of activities of the Youth Department
  • To inform trainers about recent developments in the Council of Europe, especially following the Reykjavik Summit, and their implications for the programme, in particular study sessions
  • To update Trainers Pool members about the Youth for Democracy Programme, its priorities and main activities and new themes
  • To maintain the efficient cooperation between members of the Trainers Pool and educational staff of the Youth Department;
  • To review the expectations on the quality of educational support, procedures and reporting on activities by pool members within these developments;
  • To share experiences as trainers in non-formal education online and offline and discuss innovations in approaches and methodologies;
  • To provide opportunities for strengthening competences in relevant areas for training and educational activities in which the Trainers Pool members are involved.


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