Inclusion / Refugees / S-COH-S

S-COH-S Multiplier event in Barcelona

Soon after the Capacity-building training-course in Comaruga, the first multiplier event took place in LaFede an Umbrella Organisation for Global Justice located in Raval neighbourhood of Barcelona. The event was hosted by AHEAD - Association of Human Rights Educators, which is a member of

The Multiplier event took place on the 15th of October and meant to share the first Intellectual Output of the S-COH-S Project with representatives of local organisations in Barcelona. The Intellectual Output presented was the Mapping activities: list of organisations conducting social activities that migrants and refugees can benefit from in each of the cities where partner countries are located.

A number of local youth workers and youth leaders, representing their associations and NGOs and some internationals were invited to take part with the objective to get familiar with the Project, its relevance, first outputs and to get to know each other's work at the networking lunch.

The event was a great opportunity to exchange youth work experiences and to look forward to the Project's next steps and creation of more Intellectual Outputs, that can be useful for the organisations and institutions working with Migrants and Refugees creating STEAM areas and spaces for learning and inclusion.

The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.


Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission

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