Innovative Youth Work and Intersectional Practices for Young LGBTQ+ Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The “Not Alone in Europe” project arises with the main task of giving a broad and specialised training on the LGBTQI+ paradigms to people who develop their work in contact with young LGBTQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YLMRA), such as youth and social workers, educators and community mediators, or even by themselves.
Aims and Objectives
The project purpose is to contribute to the social inclusion of the YLMRA and encourage them to be actors of change by the organisation of capacity building courses, organising multiplier events in each partner country and creating materials in order to face their vulnerable situation.
The concrete objectives of the project are:
- To empower, engage, inspire and support young LGBTQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in European countries.
- To develop competences and support social and youth workers, educators and community mediators on how to better include intersectionality and LGBTQI+ perspectives in their activities.
- To generate synergies for networking and cooperation strategies among youth organisations working with YMRA in Europe.
- To create innovative youth work and intersectional methodological tools that can be disseminated to associated partners and other organisations in order to share the outputs and experiences of the project.
Target Group
The groups targeted by the program are both young workers, educators, community mediators and social workers in contact with YLMRA, as well as the young LGBTIQ+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers themselves.
- Youth workers, educators, community mediators, and social workers in Europe who are working with YMRA and want to become NAE project leaders.
- Young LGBTIQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Europe.
Project Phases
The project includes several activities which will be carried out as follows:
The Capacity Building course hosted in Sweden in October 2019. Through the extensive experience of RFSL Ungdom, participants work with innovative youth work methodologies and practices, including guidelines, methodological approaches and activity proposals.
The main aim is to prepare attendees for the organisation of subsequent activities in their countries of origin through methods of non-formal education covering the theoretical foundation of LGBTQI+ issues including terminology, human rights issues, legal framework and asylum rights, as well as the issue of how to reach the target group. At the end of the activity, participants are expected to acquire sufficient skills to implement multiplier activities in each of their countries.
An Intermediate Meeting will take place in Turkey in March 2020 with the attendance of all the organisations involved in the project.
Multiplier Events: from March till October 2020 each partner organisation implements at least two activities within the framework of the multiplier events.
In October 2021, the Innovation development meeting will take place in Coma-Ruga (Catalonia), where 22 practitioners and young migrants and refugees representatives of the local group supported by each partner organisation will gather with the objective of exchanging the challenges and best practices found through all the multiplier events. Among the objectives of this event will be to revisit and develop innovative youth work methodologies and practices and also increase the quality and develop strategies of cooperation within the Erasmus + Youth in Action program.
Finally, in April 2022 the Dissemination Meeting will be held in Italy, where the material method produced will be shared with the collaborating entities and with those interested in conducting the "Not Alone in Europe" project.
International Partners
AHEAD – Association of Human Rights Educators - Catalonia
Noorteorganisatsioon Trajectorya - Estonia
Jesuit Refugee Service - Serbia
Cassero LGBT Center - Italy
Allileggie Solidarity Now - Greece
and the Coordinating organisation RSFL Ungdom - Sweden
Action in Barcelona
The Multilier events in Barcelona included a series of on-line workshops and presentations developed along 2020 and 2021 addressed to youth workers dealing with Young refugee inclusion.
During the second half of 2022 several presential workshops were held in Barcelona addressing:
Identities and Senses of Belonging
Emotional and Mental Health