Although AHEAD develops several kinds of activities to reach its objectives, by definition the main activity of the Association is training on Human Rights Education for educators in both formal and non-formal education contexts, as well as topics directly related to Human Rights.
The ongoing Strategic Projects are:
- Addressing the Refugee Cause, the Project “Expressions in Dialogue: Innovative youth work practices on refugee inclusion through Living Libraries"
- Addressing Young LGBTQ+ refugees and migrants, the Project "Not Alone in Europe: Innovative Youth Work and Intersectional Practices for Young LGBTQ+ Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers"
- Addressing Violent Extremism and Polarisation, the projects De-Polarising Youth Work Practices
- Addressing Citizens’ Cohesion and Community Mediation, the Project Citizens' Cohesion Meetings
- Addressing Human Rights Education related issues, the Regular courses of the organisation.
- Addressing Digital Rights and responsibilities in a increasingly digitalised world.
AHEAD's training courses are well-recognised due to, on the one hand to the long and established experience of its training team, as well as the courses developed; on the other hand, to courses format and methodology.