Mainstreaming Gender

Perceptions on Femininities and Masculinities

As part of the exercise developed the first day participants created "the ultimate" quiz for the famous Comaruga Publications  "Lady Comaruga" and "The HE"

Here the results of this exercise:


1.Imagine you arrive at home after a long day at work and there is no dinner, what do you do?

  • A) Ask for the dinner to your partner
  • B) Help your partner to cook
  • C) Cook for both

2.In the middle of the night the baby starts to cry, what would you do?

  • A) Wake up your partner
  • B) If my partner is tired, I do an exception and I attend the baby
  • C) It is my turn, so I go to see what happens to the baby

3.You are on a date and the bill comes, what would you do?

  • A) I always pay for my partner
  • B) Today I enjoyed the date so I would pay
  • C) We go dutch (everyone pay for her/his drink)

(Created by Anka, Adriana, Irina, Monica & Nuria)


1- Which of the following drinks do you like the most?

  • A) beer (burp!)
  • B) cosmo coktail
  • C) I'd go for a coke

2- What pet do you like more?

  • A) dogs, Rotweillers would be best
  • B) cats are soooooo cute!
  • C) something that flies

3- What sport do you like?

  • A) football, viva Barça !!!
  • B) gymnastics
  • C) tennis/beachvolley ( if you know what I mean)

4- What do you do if a guy flirt on your girl?

  • A) punch him in the face, instantly!
  • B) talk him out of it, in a nice way.
  • C) you don't give a shit

5- Do you shave your body hair?

  • A) all the time! I'm doing right now!
  • B) only if I know I'm gonna get laid
  • C) are you kiddin me ?


Analysis of your results:

Points a) 5 points / b) 3 points / c) 1point

20-25- REAL MAN!
Your masculinity is over the top!
Keep on workin on those muscles and girls are gonna be at your feet.

8-20 Keep tryin, kid!
You got the potential, but your skill need to free the real man inside you.
Don't be afraid! Unleash that lion.

0-8 Stop reading the HE ! go buy Lady Coma ruga!
You are hopeless! no more to say.

 (Masculine Quiz created by Alex, Ezio, Radu, Favih and  Hayk)



1) How often do you wear skirt?

  • A) Often
  • B) Sometimes
  • C) Never

2) How good are you with maps?

  • A) Terrible
  • B) So and so
  • C) Really good

3) Do you generally cry while watching drama movie?

  • A) Yes
  • B) Sometimes
  • C) No

4) Do you think that the others see you as a leader?

  • A) No, why should they
  • B) Maybe, I don't know
  • C) Yes, of course

5) Do you feel like it's your duty to clean the house?

  • A) Yes, It's my job
  • B) Yes, but the others should help me
  • C) Maybe, I'm really good at helping


Analysis of your results:

If you hava a majority of  A) 100% Feminine
If you hava a majority of B) 50% Feminine
If you hava a majority of C) 0% Feminine



1. How much time do you spend in the bathroom every morning?

  • A) less than 20minutes
  • B) 20_30 minutes
  • C) more than 30minutes

2. How many pairs of shoes do you have?

  • A) one is enough
  • B) I need at least three
  • C) I have a whole room for them

3. After a date with a man, you

  • A) will definitely walk home alone
  • B) if he wants he can accompany me home
  • C) a princess never walks home alone

4. If the sink is blocked

  • A) I will fix it myself, its not a problem
  • B) I will google how to fix it, I will ask for help if I need it
  • C) I will find a man to do it, my nails are just done

5. On Sunday evenings I like to

  • A) watch a football match
  • B) go to cafe with my friends
  • C) watch the latest romantic comedy

6. At school I was good at

  • A) maths, physics, sciences
  • B) social sciences, literature
  • C) home management (cooking, sewing, knitting)


 Analysis of your results:

If mostly A)
Why are you reading this magazine? We suggest you to read The He

Mostly B)
You must work on your femininity if you dont wnat to end up alone

Mostly C)
You are a true lady




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