The abbreviation STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths and Music.
"How educating STEAM can be inclusive?"
"How can it develop sense of belonging to local communities and be inclusive for young migrants and refugees?" These and more questions were raised at the first meeting of the project “S-COH-S” or Strengthening social cohesion and capacity of local, refugee and migrant young people by creating STEAM areas”.
Along the two years of the S-COH-S Project length, multiple local activities are planned to take place in each partner country, supported by two Capacity-building training-activities.
The programme of the first training course had diverse elements such as training sessions on identity, intercultural learning and social Inclusion, workshops promoting inclusion through Arts and creativity, through Science and through Music: visiting Pau Casals Foundation - the museum in Sant Salvador and intro of the social cohesion Project “Weaving Music”.
These interactive workshops provided some examples and inspiration as well as raised reflections about how STEAM can be implemented inclusively and using non formal education as main approach. The training course aimed to build capacity of 32 members of partner organisations for preparation and further implementation of local activities with migrant and refugee young people.
The consortium of organisations includes:
Göçmen Hakları ve Sosyal Uyum Derneği (Turkey) - as lead organisation
Positiva Milano (Italy)
SOPRO Solidariedade e Promoção ONGD (Portugal)
Mano Europa (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Business University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
KEAN (Greece)
AHEAD (Catalonia) - the hosting organisation of the capacity building training course in Comaruga (Tarragona).
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission