Mainstreaming Gender

Learning Follow Up

On the last days of the training “Youth work De-constructing gender roles” in Coma-Ruga, we talked about Human Rights Education (HRE). It was important to differentiate Human Rights Education from Education in Human Rights. The objectives and the methodologies used in them can be very different. While the first one pursues to make people participate in their learning through activities that fulfill the objectives of respecting, educating and defending; the second one just makes people know about Human Rights, teaching knowledge but not experience.

After the introduction to non-formal education, it was the moment to see how the different activities, workshops and best practices shared could be helpful for us to improve our practice. First of all, we analyzed by groups each activity, thinking if they were responding to the HRE objectives. Then, we also thought about how we could adapt them to have a follow up in our projects. It was a very good exercise to realize all the different applicability’s of what we had been learning.

Finally, we also centered the last part of the training in the development of ideas for future projects and partnerships. Even if we were not in our maximum inspirational moment, due to the tiredness of had been working hard, it was a very significant part of the training. It was important to understand that, if we do not give to it continuity, all this knowledge does not has power for itself.


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