The “Expressions in Dialogue” Strategic Partnership had its Dissemination Meeting, which was the last planned event in frames of this Project.
The project coordinators responsible from each partner organisation were invited for a closing meeting to evaluate the results of the project and its practical phase – the Living Library (the multiplier event) implemented in each of the partner country.
The Dissemination Meeting was hosted by the Europa House in Rhodes (Greece) and took place from the 6th to the 9th of February 2020.
The main aim of the meeting was to evaluate the results of the Project and complete the contents, structure and tasks in regards of its intellectual outputs.
This meeting served to enhance the planning of the dissemination and valorisation of the project results and decides upon potential follow-up activities.
Mr. Michael Kavuklis – Europa House in Rhodes (Greece) – the hosting organisation
Ms. Ljubov Lissina – MTÜ Trajectorya (Estonia) – the European Co-ordinator
Mr. Xavier Baró – Association of Human Rights Educators – AHEAD (Catalonia)
Mr. Cihan Kilic – Voices of young Refugees in Europe VYRE (European Network)
Ms. Josephine Kihlemainen – Association Young Effect (Italy).
The most tangible results of the Project – are 8 Living Library events, which were developed by the local mixed teams consisting of local members of the organisations and people with migrant/refugee profile living in the community.
Each of the Living Library events involved minimum 20 readers, and some of the events hosted over 100 readers.
Over four hundred readers altogether participated in the multiplier events in frames of Expressions in Dialogue Project in Rhodes, Athens, Magenta, Tallinn, Barcelona (2) and Rotterdam (2).
Over 40 refugees were involved in these Living Libraries in diverse roles, not only as Human Books, but as well as coordinators, librarians and facilitators, supporting the events in its preparation, implementation and evaluation.
The expectation of the Project and consortium of partners is that the local teams continue their work together in the organisations, projects and in particular – be multipliers doing other Living Libraries further on. At the moment of the Dissemination meeting there are clear opportunities and readiness of the partners and their local teams for that.
The Project definitely strengthened the relationships between the partner-organisations and further international cooperation is being discussed.
On the other hand, on local level (and in some case national), the organisations could improve and re-enforce their cooperation with the stakeholders and found new supporters, through the duration of and in respect to the Project.
These and other results, conclusions and practical outputs of the project can be further explored in the Expressions in Dialogue Project Website.