Euro-Mediterranean / Uncategorized

Euro-Mediterranean Coordination

In frames of the Euro-Mediterranean programme of the Association of Human Rights Educators a partnership meeting with organised from the 7th to the 14th February in the premises of AHEAD in Barcelona

The meeting brought together representatives of organisations in Tunisia and Estonia, together with the team of AHEAD to analyse the current situation and challenges faced by youth organisations at the Euro-Mediterranean level.

As a result of this meeting, the participants agreed on develop their partnership for the development of a Capacity Building activity with the participation of multiple partners on both shores of the Mediterranean sea.

The main objective of this project proposal is to develop the capacity of youth organisations in the Euro-Mediterranean area to support democracy spaces for young people and youth organisations.

The meeting also served to develop a project proposal on Euro-Mediterranean Youth work empowering and engaging young people in democratic participation.

How to Develop youth work competences supporting critical thinking and civic engagement, thus empowering young people in inclusive democratic participation;

Exchange youth work practices and encourage collaborative projects that uphold democratic values, empower young people and promote dialogue with decision-makers;

Foster cooperation strategies in the Euro-Mediterranean area, creating synergies in areas such as political participation, and civic engagement.

The results of the meeting will serve to prepare the upcoming call for Capacity Building Projects of the Capacity Building



With the support of the programme ALF in Motion