The Euro-Mediterranean training course "Depolarisation youth work practices" took place in October 2019 in Coma-ruga (Tarragona) and focused on the role of youth work addressing the causes, consequences and dynamics of polarisation.
The project contributed ideas, examples and practical tools through which youth workers, educators and youth leaders in the Euro-Mediterranean area developed competences to explore the root causes and address polarisation and violent extremism through human rights education methodologies.
The programme included the exchange of good practices as well as the development of initiatives in cooperation with other civil society actors. Among the depolarisation methodologies that were shared during the course there were experiences in the development of Dialogue Circles, Living Libraries, Citizen Cohesion Spaces, Appreciative Dialogues...
More information in Violent Extremism and Polarisation
The main objectives of the course were:
- To explore the dynamics of polarisation and develop competences to identify its root causes.
- To provide youth worker methodological tools to address polarisation through human rights education and intercultural dialogue.
- To exchange youth work practices and to develop initiatives contributing to depolarise Euro-Mediterranean communities.
To increase the quality and develop cooperation strategies within the Erasmus + Youth in Action programme.
The project was structured in three different phases. The preparation was carried out jointly with the partner entities and the team of trainers from three different partner organisations representing the diversity of project countries.
In the second phase, the training / training activity was implemented, with the main aim of developing youth workers competences to prepare, execute and evaluate youth initiatives that serve to generate spaces of depolarisation.
The third phase focused on the support of the partner organisations to the participants to develop follow-up activities at the local level.
The project brought together a group of multipliers for an interactive course in order to analyse the polarisation processes of communities throughout the Euro-Mediterranean area. The direct beneficiaries were youth professionals as well as young migrant and refugee leaders who are currently working on inclusion projects with partner organisations, motivated to develop skills and share experiences, especially at the community level, but also taking into account a wider Euro-Mediterranean perspective.