This year we celebrate International Children's Rights Day with the publication of the Manual on child participation for educators and workers in the field of children and youth that we have developed as a result of the CL.A.P. Project.
The CL.A.P. Project - Awareness and participation on children's rights to address emerging needs after the Covid-19 pandemic, is a project whose main objective is to contribute to the dissemination and fulfilment of children's rights through actions that not only align with the objectives of the EU, but also actively promote the Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
By prioritizing children's voices and experiences and facilitating their involvement in decision-making processes, the project aims not only to help children overcome the different impacts of the pandemic, but also to support their active role as political subjects and strengthen children's rights. Indeed, while children may not be the main victims of the virus in terms of health, the indirect effects of the pandemic have seriously disrupted their rights, exacerbating inequalities and disrupting their daily lives with repercussions ranging from education to mental health. In addition, children's participation in decision-making processes related to COVID-19 has been very limited.
The CL.A.P. project connects organizations, services for children and youth, educational institutions and decision-makers in four European regions: Sicily (Italy), Romania, Catalonia (Spain) and the Netherlands.

The action is articulated through four interconnected work packages:
The 1st work package serves as a basis for the actions of the project and aims to establish a transnational partnership committed to the protection and promotion of children's rights and their active participation.
The 2nd work package aims to develop a needs assessment process using creative methods, taking into account specific aspects related to gender, with a focus on marginalized and peripheral areas of the target municipalities.
The 3rd work package aims to develop the capacities of educators and operators of services aimed at children based in Sicily (Italy), Romania and Catalonia (Spain) through the exchange of knowledge, good practices and tools.
The 4th work package aims to create more opportunities for children to participate in decision-making processes, ensuring the implementation of a lasting child consultation mechanism by local public administrations.
As a result of this action, a protocol for a consultation mechanism for children is signed by the local public administrations; 435 children (50% girls) participate in the Action; It reaches 210 educators in services related to childhood, 30 services aimed at children, 30 representatives of local institutions and public bodies. A total of 300 people participate in the final public events.

Projecte realitzat amb el suport de la Comissió Europea en el marc del Programa Erasmus+.
El seu contingut no reflecteix necessàriament la posició de la Comissió en aquest tema, i no compromet de cap manera la responsabilitat de la Comissió.