The “Not Alone in Europe” project aims to contribute to the social inclusion of the young LGBTQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YLMRA) and encourage them to be actors of change in their hosting communities.…
The “Not Alone in Europe” project aims to contribute to the social inclusion of the young LGBTQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YLMRA) and encourage them to be actors of change in their hosting communities.…
The “Not Alone in Europe” project aims to contribute to the social inclusion of the young LGBTQI+ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YLMRA) and encourage them to be actors of change in their hosting communities.…
As part of the Strategic Partnership Expressions in Dialogue project an Innovation Development Meeting: "Youth work practices on refugee inclusion through Living Libraries" was implemented.
From the 29th of September to the 5th October 2019, the Innovation Development meeting took place in Coma-Ruga (Tarragona) hosted by the Association of Educators in Human Rights - AHEAD.…
“Expressions in Dialogue” – Innovative youth work practices on refugee inclusion through Living Libraries
The project proposes to work for, with and by youth migrants and refugees together with youth workers from diverse communities around Europe to develop innovative practices on refugee inclusion through human rights education and Living Library methodologies.…
After the Capacity Building on Living Libraries in Tallinn (Estonia) the Coordination team of the Living Library project in Barcelona host its first meeting with potential Human Books and Librarians.
The Living Library events in Barcelona will take part on Saturday the 1st June 2019 and a second one on Saturday the 15th June 2019 in the gardens of the National Library.…