This post is part of the group contribution and best practices shared during the Euro-Mediterranean Training Course: Youth Work Preventing Violent Extremism, implemented by the Association of Human Rights Educators AHEAD from the 14th till the 21st October 2018 in Comarruga (Tarragona).…
Category Archives: Mainstreaming Gender
Call for Participants: Study Visit in Viena
"Exchange, Explore, Empower - the Power of Non-Formal Parents" is a project to increase the recognition of non-formal education, and use it as a vehicle to bridge the needs and values of the parents in the community to local formal education institutions (schools).…
Prevention of Violence against Women
Women Rights and Aqualitatem Platform (WRAP) with the support of AHEAD the Association of Human Rights Educators invites activists working on the gender mainstreaming to participate in the Study Visit "Prevention of Violence against Women"
The project aims to raise the awareness of youth workers about the importance of this issue and equip them with necessary competences to combat all forms of violence against women through relevant good practices.…
Learning Follow Up
On the last days of the training “Youth work De-constructing gender roles” in Coma-Ruga, we talked about Human Rights Education (HRE). It was important to differentiate Human Rights Education from Education in Human Rights.…
Does gender identity influences in how we think? The story of Stella vs. Stello
Does gender identity influences in how we think?
The story of Stella vs. Stello
One of the exercises that we did through the training course by AHEAD in Gender Mainstreaming, was to examine the Stella’s story and rank the different characters that intervene in the story.…