Living Libraries for Dialogue: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue

MediterràniaIn partnership with youth organisations around the Euro-Mediterranean area and implemented by our partner in Estonia, we open now the call for practitioners from Catalonia to apply to the following event: Living Libraries for Dialogue: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue

The training course will take place from the 6th till the 13th August 2016 in the south of Estonia (Tartu and Otepää)…

Expressions in Dialogue: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue in Youth Work

Expressions in Dialogue brought together a group of 25 youth workers and educators from communities around the Euro- Mediterranean area for a six days interactive training course that explored the challenges of a meaningful intercultural dialogue and developed youth work educational methodologies based on the principles of Human Rights and intercultural citizenship education.

Dialogue Responses: Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue

Dialogue Responses got dialogue in the heart of the processes: through the exchange of non-formal education methods in work with communities and youth work, the course challenged stereotyping and xenophobia specially targeting refugees

The course explored the challenges that intercultural dialogue faces in the Euro-Mediterranean context and the role of youth work in developing basic competences promoting core values central to human rights.

De-Constructing Normality On-going

The course De-constructing Normality. Mainstreaming gender in youth work is already on-going.


Through the course we will:

  • explore how gender roles are constructed and “normality” established for masculinities and femininities in diverse communities around Europe;
  • introduce Human Rights Education methodologies and implement approaches and activities that support the role of youth work in this area;
  • contribute actively to de-construct sexist attitudes through youth work tools that challenge predetermined gender roles,