After the completion of the training course implemented in May 2024, a mentoring phase was initiated. In the frames of the CLAP project, all participants of the training course were to organise an action to promote children and youth participation in decision-making at their local level.
During the capacity building training, the youth workers devoted the last day of the course to brainstorm and prepare some actions to undertake with their groups of young people, mostly working with children/youth in the ages 12 to 16 years old.
The results of the Survey on Children Participation, were shared, and as a follow-up, the youth workers from each municipality had to undertake a proposal for action in dialogue with their youth groups.
These actions included the adaptation and use of the activities tested during the course and included in the Handbook.
Child Local Council Workshops
In the frames of the project we proposed each of the local teams of youth workers to undertake in the creation of the Workshops -meetings with the aim to create the Children Councils in each of the involved municipalities.
The objectives of these workshops (Labs) were:
- Conduct a joint analysis of the needs of young people and children
- Involve children in local decision-making
- Think youth work methodologies that promote active participation
Following the meeting with the participants, the facilitators proposed an agenda and some methods to carry out with the groups of young people in each municipality.
As a result of this work, seven events were organised, one in each of the involved municipalities.
These meeting took place between June and October 2024, and brought together the children/young people (in average 12-16 years old), the youth workers and in some cases also the youth advisor.
The Reports of the Child Local Council Workshops are presented in separate documents.
The Report for each workshop includes the following information:
- Date and place
- Agenda of the programme
- Age and profile of participants
- The number of children involved
- Method used to work with the children
- Outcomes of the meeting/roundtable