Inclusion / S-COH-S / Uncategorized

ART for Inclusion


A workshop on Art was developed in the frames of the Project “Strengthening Social Cohesion and capacity of local refugee and migrant young people by creating STEAM” with Reference nº 2022-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000028642 granted by EU programme Erasmus+
AHEAD implemented the STEAM workshop on Arts in Vic (Barcelona) the 17th April 2023.
The workshop was addressed to a group of youth workers from diverse backgrounds including young migrants and refugees. It’s main aim was to raise awareness about multiple aspects of identity and the intersectionality of criterias that may lead to situations of privilege or discrimination in diverse hosting communities.

Through the first part of the workshop, participants went through an individual reflection on key moments in their life's time-line that had an impact in the creation of their personality and identity.
Time-lines were developed first individually and using crafts represented in a common scale and shared in small groups before setting the whole group’s time-lines together.

Through a guided debriefing, the group identified similar and different elements that appeared along their individual pathways.
As a result of this first activity, participants were introduced to diverse art techniques to proceed to the artistic creation of live-books. Illustrated books, with or without words, that would exemplify multiple aspects of identity and the intersectionality of criterias that may lead to situations of privilege or discrimination in their diverse hosting communities.
This second part of the workshop led to the sharing in smaller groups and the presentation of some of the art pieces and the symbolism behind them. As a result of the workshop, participants started their reflection on their human book title and what personal stories could be of use in deconstructing stereotypes, prejudices and the “single-story” associated to discrimination situations.

Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission