Ljuba Lissina
Ljubov Lissina (Ljuba) is a human rights educator and trainer. She is a founding member of AHEAD. She combines her work in the field of human rights education at a European level with local activism in Barcelona.
Ljuba is member of the Trainers Pool of the Council of Europe's Youth Department.
She is also a Certified life coach and embodiment practitioner.
She is member of the board and currently the President of AHEAD
Maria Arrufat Agost
Maria Arrufat is a feminist, humanist, anthropologist by training and mediator by vocation. She likes to accompany people in their changes and help them improve their relationships.
A little more than fifteen years ago she started her path in mediation. It was in the penitentiary field where, as an intercultural mediator, she learned the first tools of transformative conflict management. Since then, during her professional career she has shared several projects and been part of several teams, with a common denominator, mediation in the municipal sphere, which has allowed her to acquire a community view of social problems. She currently works as a secondary school educator and is member of the Board of AHEAD
Thomas Duchini
Thomas Duchini is a graduate in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and with a Master in Development and International Cooperation.
The rights of children and groups at social risk, such as migrants, refugees and LGBTI + people, have always been the object of his interest.
Thomas has participated as a volunteer in international cooperation projects with schools and educational centres in Africa and Brazil and here in Catalonia he has worked with associations that defend human rights.
Currently he combines his activism with his work as an Italian and English teacher.
Thomas was member of the coordinators team of the Living Libraries project and currently member of the Board of AHEAD.
Elisenda Vera Baró
Elisenda is an architecture student at the UPC. In parallel she has a long experience in the world of non-formal education and human rights education.
She has participated in multiple projects in the European field, including activities of the Council of Europe.
At AHEAD, she has been the leader of youth exchanges in the European area and has been a developing member in the "GainKids: Global Education for early child education" project. Currently, she is part of the leading team of the "GREM: Remembrance of totalitarian regimes" project
She is currently a member of the Board of AHEAD
Eva Navarro Campanera
Eva Navarro is a social educator and teacher of secondary education. She combines her profession with illustration and art therapy, and works on the development of human rights education through art.
Eva has collaborated on several AHEAD projects, and is part of the coordination team of the European Project: New Era - New youth work practices on refugee inclusion. She is currently a Board Member of AHEAD.
Bet Gamell Rodríguez
Bet has a degree in Political Science and Public Management, and she is specialized in International Relations. Thanks to her experiences abroad, her interest grew on international politics, and especially, on a European level.
Her migration and human rights concerns took her to do her internship with us, and she is currently part of AHEAD’s Team. Together with other member of the team, they work to manage, coordinate, and execute several of our European projects, like the CLAP - CERV Project and Towards Inclusive Europe, among others.
She is currently a member of the Board of AHEAD
Xavier Baró Urbea
Xavier Baró is projects' coordinator and educational advisor of the Association of Human Rights Educators. Xavier has over twenty years of experience in the educational and youth fields as a trainer. He combines the work at European level with the local activism in Barcelona.
As a trainer and educational advisor Xavier Baró collaborates on a regular basis on the development of Training activities for the European Commission, the Education Department and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe; and the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue among cultures.
Laia Vera Valls
Laia is a 4th year International Relations student at the Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona. This past year she did an Erasmus in Ljubljana, which increased her interest in the fields of human rights, migrations, conflict analysis and international politics, especially in the framework of the European Union, through sharing experiences with students from other places in Europe.
Besides the International Relations field, music and popular culture has always been deeply rooted in her. She plays the electric bass and the classical double bass in several music groups and orchestras and participates in cultural associations in her city such as the Gitanes De Granollers.
She will currently be doing an internship within the association, which she is very excited about as it allows her to continue her formation and see in a tangible way how work is done worldwide in the field of human rights.
Carme Vidal Cortés
Carme Vidal is a student of International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. From her Erasmus experience in Belfast, Northern Ireland, she became interested in the protection of human rights and especially ethnic minorities and peace research.
Carme is doing her internship at the AHEAD association. Thanks to this opportunity she will be able to deepen and learn about the various fields of action and dissemination of human rights, as well as to start her way in the professional field of international relations and grow professionally and personally.
Isaac Mayo Torán
Isaac is a 4th year Political Science student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. This last year, she was combining teaching secondary school boys and girls, which made her interest in the social field grow. In addition, his experiences in previous years where he has lived with people from other countries have made him interested in the European Union, and other cultures and ways of doing things.
Isaac, aside from running, has always been up to date with the world of sports since the age of eight due to his presence at home, making him play basketball all over the country today.
With this new adventure, he will seek to know new cultures while continuing to train for his professional life.
Jordi Pelfort Moreno
Jordi Pelfort Moreno is a 4th-year student of International Relations at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Thanks to an Erasmus course in Karlsruhe (Germany), he has had the opportunity to share experiences with young people from all over the world, with whom he has exchanged views and perspectives on human rights and international politics, near the institutions of Strasbourg. In the future, he would like to specialize in the protection of sexual and gender rights across the European continent.
In his free time, Jordi volunteers in leisure for children and teenagers in the city of Igualada. Additionally, he actively participates in various popular and cultural entities in the city.
Currently, while doing an internship at AHEAD, he seeks to deepen his knowledge of human rights and international relations, as well as to embark on his professional path in this field.
Berta Vilardebò Ribes
Berta Vilardebò Ribes is in her final year of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. She chose these studies as a result of her concern for social inequalities and her motivation to initiate projects that could have an impact on people's lives. She has a particular interest in the field of migrations, diversity management, and interculturalism.
She is a resourceful person with a great adaptive capacity and initiative. Skills she has been able to strengthen through her involvement with non-profit organizations, such as her local "esplai" group, where she has been a leisure instructor for 5 years. Being part of the community's associative network has allowed her to develop a strong social awareness and realize the empowering dimension that culture and non-formal education can have on children.
That's why she is determined to continue her work as an educator, and through this experience, she will be able to deepen her knowledge in the field of human rights, something that she couldn't be more excited about.
Helena Prohias Moreno
Helena Prohias is studying the third year of History, Politics and Contemporary Economics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the first year of the Law Degree at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her interest in politics and international relations has always been present in her life creating attraction and concern for other related areas such as migration and ethnic minorities.
In the future, she would like to specialise in International Relations and continue her education in order to be able to dedicate herself fully to the defence of human rights.
She is currently doing an internship at AHEAD, which will allow her to follow this path and participate from other points of view, training herself professionally and personally.
Arnau Maestre Ortega
Arnau Maestre Ortega is currently studying at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and also at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He began studying a degree in "Contemporary History, Politics and Economics" at the UAB and when he reached the end of his second year he decided that he wanted to become a professional in the study of International Relations. That is why he has recently started his studies at the UOC in International Relations.
He is interested in international politics and enjoys learning about the history of different regions and cultures.
He considers himself to be an outgoing, curious, hard-working and persistent person. He sees this internship as an opportunity to learn about human rights and to familiarise himself with the different entities and organisations that work for their protection.
He has worked in a couple of multinationals with a wide range of responsibilities in the marketing and human resources departments, and is eager to put into practice all the skills she has acquired to contribute to promoting the values and objectives of the AHEAD organisation.
When he has free time, he enjoys reading (especially historical or dystopian novels), travelling and gastronomic photography.
Alma García Molinet
Alma García Molinet is a responsible, emotional, and hardworking student enrolled in the 3rd year of History, Politics, and Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
After completing half of the Law degree, participating in various international stays, and working as a youth leader, she realized that her interests were interdisciplinary, and she wanted to have an impact on the world through this multifaceted vision.
In particular, social phenomena, analysis, politics, and digital communication are part of her centres of interest.
Furthermore, Alma feels a strong vocation for any form of possible creation, as she is interested in various artistic expression tools. She dedicates part of her time to activities such as reading, drawing, or pottery.
Currently, she is doing an internship at AHEAD, which greatly motivates her as it allows her to continue learning and gain experience.
AHEAD's Coordination Teams
Team Expressions in Dialogue
Coordinators Team Expressions in Dialogue
Project Description Expressions in Dialogue: Innovative youth work practices on refugee inclusion through Living Libraries
Team Not Alone in Europe
Coordinators Team Not Alone in Europe
Project Description Not Alone in Europe: Intersectional youth work on refugee inclusion
Team Citizens Cohesion Project
Coordinators Team Citizens Cohesion
Project Description Citizens' Cohesion and Community Mediation Project
AHEAD Andorra
Ramon Tena
Ramon Tena (andorra@AHEADedu.org)
I have a degree in Political Sciences.
I’m a mediator and trainer in conflict transformation. Two years ago I left my job as a Diplomat to start a social entrepreneurship project. Its main objective is to promote culture of peace within organizations.
I also work in Human Rights Education, both nationally and internationally. I have participated in different projects of the Council of Europe and the Youth in Action program.
At present, I’m following credentialing process for the Council of Europe’s Pool of Trainers.
AHEAD Pla de Tarragona
Thomas Duchini
Thomas Duchini is a graduate in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and with a Master in Development and International Cooperation.
The rights of children and groups at social risk, such as migrants, refugees and LGBTI + people, have always been the object of his interest.
Thomas has participated as a volunteer in international cooperation projects with schools and educational centres in Africa and Brazil and here in Catalonia he has worked with associations that defend human rights.
Currently he combines his activism with his work as an Italian and English teacher.
Thomas was member of the coordinators team of the Living Libraries project and currently member of the Board of AHEAD.
Núria Gonzalez i Duch
Núria González i Duch, graduated in International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is Coordinator of International Projects; currently working at Esplais Catalans. After doing her internship at the association, she now collaborates on several international and local projects in AHEAD.
In the future, she would like to continue training in the field of human rights and international law. This interest was enhanced by his Erasmus year at Sciences Po in Strasbourg, as it provided her with a small introduction to the institutions of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights.
Advisory board
Maria Pardo Vuelta
Maria has almost ten years of experience working in the third sector as trainer, project manager, translator and interpreter, and a few more as a volunteer and activist in social movements. She has worked with minorities, women and children.
Maria worked on Human Rights and Education for Peace in Palestine in 2006, with children from a refugee camp in the West Bank. Since then she has been involved in social projects which bring together both sides of the Mediterranean and in the struggle for a fair peace in the Middle East, as well as in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and social justice back home. Maria was a member of the translation and editing team for the "Petit Compass" manual. Maria was President of the Association of Educators in Human Rights, and she is currently a consultative member in the advisory board.
Marina López
Marina López is an educational psychologist and teacher
specialised in children with special needs, and counsellor in a public secondary school. Currently she focus on students with an immigrant background.
Marina started her cooperation with AHEAD by joining different on local and international level related with Human Rights Education (HRE).
She has always felt a strong motivation to work close to communities in social risk of exclusion. Currently she is working and strengthening my skills as a teacher in a state school in Catalonia. Marina wants to get to know and get personally involved in other practices on the educational field in different places in the world, so that she can both personally and professionally develop from these experiences.
Marina was Vice-President of the Association of Educators in Human Rights, and is currently a member of the advisory board.
Meritxell Vidal
Meritxell Vidal studied Pedagogy and combined her studies with her passion on environmental projects and in constant contact with education.
Meritxell has worked in education from different perspectives: organising courses, being a trainer and coordinating educational, volunteering related, projects. She is a trainer on environmental education, ecotourism, youth leaders, and training of trainers with different audiences and ages. Nowadays she is working as an English teacher with younger learners.
Meritxell works and lives in Terres de l'Ebre, in the south of Catalonia.